

It is truly believed that the books are the never failing friends of the human beings. They not only give us knowledge and wisdom but also help everyone to learn the art of survival maintaining a qualitative life. They brighten the career of the students supplying a tremendous knowledge in every aspect. We have maintained hundreds of books like fictions, legends, fables, poems, comics, great personalities, dictionaries and reference books.

Computer Lab

In this morden world of education, computer is an indispensable part that plays an authentic role in imparting knowledge of the students. We have broad band system in our school and there are fifteen computers in our Lab. The students learn a lot of things from the computers to prove that they are not legging behind then any other students in urban areas. They also learn the use of computer skill in their practical life and prepare their project works. They also update themselves with the informative world.

Science Lab

The theories of science like chemistry, physics, biology etc seem to be incomplete without practical knowledge. Thus, experiments and demonstration are highly needed for the students to have better knowledge. We have well equipped Science Lab with all technical devices for the students.

Mass Drill

Every week on Saturday we have our mass drill class where different physical exercises are imparted to the students to develop their sports spirit.

Sports & Games

Games and sports are the integral parts of curriculum based on CCE. They help our students to develop the habit of fair play, a sense of sportsmanship, leadership, and obedience to rule discipline, team spirit, honesty, co-operation & other good qualities. They accept their victory or defeat with a sportsman and indomitable spirit. So, we train them particularly different games & sports including variety of exercises in mass drill classes.

Music & Dance

Our motto is to train the students and make them all rounder. So we strive to encourage our students to learn dance & music. They also learn singing different types of songs under the guidance of a trained music teacher. Dance & music classes are taken by the experts to bloom their talent in the field of cultural activities.


To develop the students physically, mentally and spiritually yoga classes are taken in every week. Since yoga is very important to develop the power of concentration, it is essential for the students.