

As academic determines a student's future career, so it is planned to bring out the best in a child. Various aspects of academic have been framed in a students' friendly way to suit their learning abilities & at the same time injecting in them confidence & enhancing a good academic growth. Vikash Schools believes in holistic approach towards education with its value based approach in teaching methodology, course contents and bringing in transformation in the personality of the individuals. Education at here is invigorating and rejuvenating in its true sense.

Stress Free Education

It has always been a concern of Vikash Schools not to over-burden the students. We see whether a student gets free time for games, recreation, reading of interesting books, magazines and newspapers and reading hobbies and above all doing some social service which equally is important to bring them up into useful citizens. Keeping in view of the above, home task has been banned for the students upto class II as a directive of the CBSE. Carefully planned home tasks in the forms of projects and assignments are given to the students from class III-V as alternate home tasks.

Eminent Features

  • Encouraging Educational Skills
  • Communication skills
  • Logic & Reasoning
  • Problem Solving
  • Team Work
  • Knowledge Recall


Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is a historical development in Examination reforms in School education propounded by CBSE in the recent years. It refers to a system of school based evaluation of a student that covers all aspects of a student development. It is a developmental process of student which emphasizes on continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning and behavioral outcomes.

Practicing the spirit of CCE Vikash Group of CBSE Schools emphasize the evaluation of identified aspects of students ‘growth and development’ in a continuous process rather than an event, built into the total teaching-learning process and spread over the entire length of academic session. IN practice it is observed the regularity of assessment, frequency of testing, diagnosis of learning gaps, use of corrective measures, retesting and feedback of evidence to teachers and students for their self evaluation.

Every attempt is made to cover both the scholastic and the co-scholastic aspects of the students’ growth and development. Since abilities, attitudes and aptitudes can manifest themselves in forms other than the written word, the term refers to application of variety of tools and techniques (both testing and non-testing) and aims at assessing a learner’s development in areas of learning, like:-

  • Knowledge
  • Understanding
  • Applying
  • Analyzing
  • Evaluating
  • Creating

Aspects of Evaluation

Scholastic and Co-Scholastic Assessment

In order to implement Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, both Scholastic and Co-Scholastic aspects are given due recognition. In the process of such a holistic assessment an ongoing and comprehensive profile for each learner is maintained in an honest, encouraging and discreet way. Our teachers frequently reflect, plan and implement remedial strategies, to retain the child’s ability and articulate what has been learned over a period of time and conduct periodic assessments. These assessments are of many forms and as comprehensive and discreet as possible. Weekly, fortnightly, or quarterly reviews on the chosen learning areas are generally conducted to promote and enhance not just learning and retention among children, but their soft skills as well.

Scholastic Assessment

The objectives of the Scholastic area are the desirable behavior related to the learner’s knowledge, understanding, application, evaluation, analysis, and creating the ability to apply it in an unfamiliar situation. Both Formative and Summative assessments are implemented to improve the teaching learning process.

Formative Assessment

is the assessment for learning. It is a tool used by the teacher to continuously monitor student progress in a non threatening, supportive environment. It involves regular descriptive feedback, a chance for the student to reflect on the performance, take advice and improve upon it. It involves the students’ being an essential part of assessment from designing criteria to assessing self or peers. Formative Assessment is carried out during a course of instruction for providing continuous feedback to both the learners. It is also carried out for taking decisions regarding appropriate modifications in the transactional procedures and learning activities.

Summative Assessment

is the assessment of learning generally taken by students at the end of each Termr to demonstrate the “sum” of what they have or have not learned. It is usually a graded test, marked according to a scale or a set of grades.

Co-Scholastic Assessment

CO-Scholastic under CCE Consists of Areas where student's are assessed in four parts namely

  • Life Skills consisting of Thinking Skills, Social Skills and Emotional Skills.
  • Work Education
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Attitudes and Values.

Each of these parts are assessed twice in a year on a Five Point Grading Scale.The assessment that includes Self assessment and peer assement besides the assessment by the teachers uses various tools like periodical observation, written worksheets, anecdotal recortds etc. The assignments give under coscholastic areas are divided throughout the year to students more attentive and focused.


Guru-Shishya proximity thus is not only a part of our social order but also a milestone in the life of a human being in society. A teacher is a mentor who leads the Shishya (student) from blindness or ignorance to bliss, wisdom, and enlightenment.

Any school is as good as its talented teachers. Teachers form the backbone of any institution and Vikash Schools realizes this fully. It has an excellent team of well-qualified teachers who have imbibed the philosophy of the school and its founders.

The Residential faculty members at our school are the people who really make the difference -a team of highly trained people who work exclusively in the hostel to help the students in their all round development and provide parental affection and guidance to make the boarding like a home. Our committed faculty and staff focus on every child as an individual and uses real-world situations, thought-provoking problems and engaging lessons to give students a well-balanced, up-to-date education designed for mastery of basic skills through inquiry. Children are guided to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes which foster life-long learning and happiness. Emphasis is placed on the development of insight not memorization. Teachers set up situations, problems, and lessons designed to allow students to learn by inquiry and discovery. Committed to the development of the whole child, the teachers also provide opportunities for the growth of positive self-concept and awareness of self and personal values.

Class Room

Academic standards determine a student's future career. Thus at Vikash, it is vigilantly planned to bring out the best in the child. Various Scholastic activities have been framed in a student-friendly way to suit their learning abilities & at the same time instilled in them confidence & enhancing good academic growth.

Vikash Group of Schools believes in a holistic approach towards education with its value-based approach in teaching methodology, course contents, and bringing in transformation in the personality of the individuals. Education here is invigorating and rejuvenating in its true sense.


It has always been a concern of the school not to over-burden the students. We see whether a student gets free time for games, recreation, reading of interesting books, magazines and newspapers and reading hobbies and above all doing some social service which equally is important to bring them up into useful citizens. Keeping in view of the above, home tasks have been excluded for the students up to class II as a directive of the CBSE. Carefully planned home tasks in the forms of projects and assignments are given to the students from class III-V as alternate home tasks.

Home Assignment is essential for keeping the students usefully busy at home besides six hours' work at school. The School, having acknowledged students as a great force hopes and aspires a lot from them in the future. The school channelizes the energy of secondary students (from class-VI-X) through carefully planned Interesting and Purposeful Home Assignments that enable them to grow into an adult with all-round development.

Remedial Class

We thrust Special care and attention upon our students who are slower in learning through our Regular Remedial Classes. Students' doubts, queries, and confusions are erased away in these classes. A student slow at a particular subject is paid extra time and attention by the teacher concerned. A class sometimes is grouped into different learning groups according to their learning levels and abilities and is dealt with by the teacher accordingly. Students' feedback towards understanding different subjects in the classroom is taken. A remedial class as taken just after the end of all regular classes helps a student to fully understand a day's discussion.


Students in Kindergarten, Class I & II have Oral and Interactive Activities for Formative Tests.

For Class III to VIII and IX & X, there would be SIX Tests under Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) that includes FOUR Formative Assessments and TWO Summative Assessments. All the tests will be considered for gradation in deciding the Promotion of the students to the higher class internally up to Class VIII and in Class IX & X as prescribed by the Board Time to time. In Summative Assessments, students shall be examined on the syllabus in different subjects prescribed only for the Term.

After the completion of every examination, the progress of the students is informed in grades.

Class XI examination will be conducted by the school as Internal Examinations. The examination would be conducted in theory as well as in practical, depending upon the nature of the subject(s). Marks/grades will be awarded for individual subjects. No overall division/distinction/aggregate shall be awarded.

In order to be declared as having passed the Class XI Examination, a candidate shall obtain 33% marks in all the subjects. The pass marks in each subject of examination shall be 33%. In the case of subjects involving practical work, a candidate must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% in practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate in order to qualify in that subject.

Class XII examination will be based on the syllabi as prescribed by the Board for Class XII from time to time. The Board will conduct the external examinations at the end of Class XII.

Book List